Nov 14, 2008

Day 10 11 12

Status: Pissed off. Sometimes the leaping and screaming of liberals just does me in, and I consider myself a considerably patient person. But the name calling has just gone far enough already. YOU GOT YOUR F***ING PRESIDENT!!! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!?!?! A letter to the editor today in the college paper complained whole-heartedly how proposition 8 was the work of "fundamentalist Christians, wealthy conservatives, and Republicans". EscUUUUUUse me, but do I look wealthy to you?! I'M A F***ING COLLEGE STUDENT!!! I'LL BE DAMNED IF I CAN PAY TUITION THIS SEMESTER!!! It just pisses me off to no end. No End... [Source]

So, confirmation has come in that Obama, upon finally achieving the Office of the PRESIDENCY, will rescind Bush's Executive Order to allow off shore drilling. This will cause gas prices to rise, the economy to fall, and Nancy Pelosi's and T. Boone Pickens's natural gas market to boom. And the libs said that Bush and Cheney controlled the oil market... [Read up]

Also, speculation is rising on what North Korea actually plans on do with their bombs. None of the bombs seem to want to work properly - that is, guide themselves neatly to their targets. Yet, the US is booting their missile defense system. The real threat and real goal of the North Koreans could be an EMP attack, which would be far more devastating than a conventional attack. Be informed. Stay Vigilant. Read up, and protect yourself.

Cabinet News: Jamie S. Gorelick This is bad... It is simply very bad...

Finally, I'm going to step into the race issue for a moment. As those who have read this may know, I don't care that Obama is black. A black president is in office - so what? Who cares? Well apparently, lots of people cared. But it is my pleasure to inform you that you don't have to anymore. White Guilt is Dead! I have never been a believer in white guilt, nor have I ever experienced it (though I have felt out of place on more than one occasion if I'm in a room of people I don't know and the whole of those other people are black; that however, doesn't count as guilt). So hopefully, people will follow my lead and the lead of several other conservatives across the country and stop feeling guilty for being white. After all, a black president is (going to be) in office now. Though I would have much rather had Condoleezza Rice instead...

And yes, I started this a couple days ago, but I had other things to do and didn't get the chance to finish it until now. Here's to getting an education instead of sitting around at home doing nothing all day and getting paid for it by Obama!

End Log.

Nov 12, 2008

Day 8

Status: Still alive. That is, it has officially been one week since Obama has been elected and nothing big has happened yet. This was admittedly completely expected, considering that there there is not Office of the President Elect (Obama, are you listening?).

Meanwhile, the democrats are still trying to steal the senate. In Minnesota, the recount continues in the senate race between Coleman and Franken. Strangely however, the lead that Republican Incumbent Coleman has seems to be slowly waning with each passing day. Supposedly, they're finding more votes for Franken in a warehouse somewhere... [Fox News]

A small town story now: A teacher gets suspended for telling his students that now that Obama is elected, the flag will be changing to the KFC flag and the National Anthem will be changed to "Moving On Up". I find this very racist of him. I have no problems with race: if anyone wants to run for office, be my guest - a person is a person no matter what color skin they have. My concern with Obama is his ideology. So, now that Obama is elected, the flag will be changing to the new Socialist Flag of the USSA and the National Anthem will be changing to a variation of the USSR National Anthem.

I have been working on my political comic, and you can see some sketches up on deviantART. It's not much now, but I did characterize the government as an abusive step-father. That must be worth something.

Finally, I want to apologize to all the veterans out there for the country's election of Obama. I didn't get a chance to do this ON Veteran's Day, so I'm doing it now. I'm sorry, boys, but everything you did for us in protecting freedom will all go to hell in less than two months time. Stay Vigilant. Stay motivated. We will return to Former America someday, even if that someday is after God comes down form heaven, rules the earth for a thousand years, and goes back to heaven again...

End Log.

Nov 10, 2008

Day 6

Status: Afraid. I fear for the future, obviously. But what I fear most is what will happen to me. I have never been the POW kind - the kind that John McCain is. If I were ever tortured, or deprived, I would crack faster than Winston in the face of a mask of Rats. I fear what speaking out might do. But what I fear most is the Draft. I support our troops, but I never could be one. And Obama will reinstate the draft. He will offer it, or his "civilian defense force". I can't fight. Nor could I join the ranks of the brown shirt army... Must stay strong...

Obama is not even president yet, and already the world loves us again and he is being compared to Kennedy and "the great presidents of the past". Also, apparently there is now an Office of the President-elect...

Cabinet News:
Google CEO says 'no thanks' to Obama cabinet position
Now what would a Director of Technology do? Would censoring the internet be appealing to one taking the job?
Obama Appoints Fairness Doctrine Backer
If anyone doubted this... and what's worse: the FCC bypasses Congress in making "regulations", so calling your congressmen doesn't help...
Granholm pleads for auto aid, avoids Obama cabinet question
Obama has appointed to the economic transition team the governor of Michigan. Note that is it Michigan that has everything Democrats think makes a good economy, and people are leaving in droves.

Finally, the head of the office of the President-Elect has stated what he thinks of the Constitution. There are several movements now to change it, and there is no doubt, given his statements, that he wishes to change it. What I love about this source is that the purpose of it is to quell conservative attacks. Excuse me while I jump around happily for a moment. [Source:]
INTERVIEWER: Barack Obama, what are your thoughts on the Declaration or Constitution?
BARACK: You know, I think it's a remarkable document... uh, I think, uh...
BARACK: The original well, as well as the Civil War amendments, but I think it is an imperfect document, and I think it is a document that reflects... uh... some deep flaws... uh... in... uh... American Culture... the colonial culture [prevalent] at that time. African Americans were not...uh... (first of all they weren't African Americans). The Africans at the time, uh, were not considered, uh, as part of the polity that was... uh... of concern... uh, to the framers. I think that, as Richard said, it was a nagging problem... uh, in the same way that these days we might think of environmental issues or some other problem where you have to balance... uh... you know, cost benefits, as opposed to seeing it as a moral problem involving... uh uh... persons... uh uh uh of moral worth. And in that sense I think we can say that... uh uh, the constitution reflected a enormous blind spot in this culture that carries on until this day and, and uh, and that the framers, uh, had that same blind spot. I-I-I don't think that two views are contradictory to say that it was a remarkable political document... uh, that paved the way for where we are now and to say that... uh... it also... uh... reflected the fundamental flaw of this country that continues to this day.
I hate to break it to you, Mr. Obama, but given the "but" you had at the beginning of your speech there (underlined above) you were bullshitting us about thinking it is a "remarkable document". Not only that, but you have completely forgotten about two important issues concerning the racism (cleverly not called directly so) you see in the Constitution:
  1. As you unwillingly point out in the beginning, your qualms lie with the "original" Constitution, before the Civil War broke out. Stop living in the past, Mr. Obama: The Civil War and the (conveniently forgotten) civil rights movement have changed the Constitution to rid it of any "racism".
  2. Obama conveniently forgot that the framers to the constitution were at odds over how slavery should be represented. The northern states wanted black people and slaves counted as whole people, while the southern democrats did not. They settled with the three-fifths rule, which, restating point 1, was repealed with the 14th Amendment, ratified during Civil War Reconstruction.
So, Obama, what is the fundamental flaw of the Constitution if "racism" has been removed from it? He will change the Constitution, and it will be for the worse. So help us God.

End Log.

Nov 8, 2008

Day 4

Status: Slow. No Cabinet positions have been announced yet, and only speculation runs abound. However, given some of the speculations, the country is about to go to hell, if no one knew that already. Stay vigilant. Book houses overseas. Canada has bad health care, and Britain is only slightly better. Slightly. If there are any conservatives left out there, know that you are not alone, in presence and in song. If any of you are contemplating suicide, turn instead to The Right Brothers to quell your fears. They've got a few songs, like "Bush was Right" and "The List" that are at least worth the listen. End Plug. Word just got in that President Bush has "taken the high road". Hopefully those reading this know that upon entering the White House in 2000, President Bush found all of the "W" keys missing from all of the computer keyboards in the White House. On Friday, we learned that President Bush directly told his staff NOT to pry all of the "O" keys from the keyboards. Weather anyone agrees with this or not (I certainly don't) it does show how much more integrity Conservatives have, in case anyone was in doubt. I have started on the comic I said a couple days ago I might take up. The initial sketches are being shown on deviantART. More are to come. I didn't even know I could draw like that, and it makes a great alternative to listening to liberal professors in class rambling on about how great Obama is. Stay vigilant. Ignore liberal bile. Hope that "Hope and Change" will not destroy the country. Shatter that Hope. No quote today, I was too lazy. But I'm sure if you looked up something about Mr. Gorbachev tearing down walls, a thought might occur to you as it has to me: when will the iron curtain rise around Former America? End Log.

Nov 6, 2008

Day 2

Status: Wary. The president-elect supposedly got his top security status today. It's only a matter of time before he knows everything... and starts messing everything up.

I heard that Pelosi has taken it upon herself to begin the Obama reign with this session of Congress. Soon, things will be implemented on behalf of Obama before he is even inaugurated. I knew this would come, and it scares the hell out of me. Very soon, I will be cut off from the conservative world and then I'll know nothing of what is going on... Must stay Vigilant. Constant Vigilance...

I've decided that for dinner tonight I'm going to order a pizza from Obama Pizza, where they take my order and my money and deliver the pizza elsewhere... Now there's Marxism at its finest.

South Park last night was very good. The reason I love these guys is that they showed both sides of election night. Obama supporters were drunk and rioting in the streets for Obama. McCain supporters were sad and trying to kill themselves. And the candidates themselves were part of Ocean's Eleven... A great twist. I just have to remember that it wasn't really the case... []

Finally, I was minded today of a warning against Communism given by former Secretary of Agriculture, Ezra Taft, in 1965. The interesting part of this soundbite begins at around 2:40 :
"As we[I and Mr. Khrushchev] talked face to face, he indicated that my grandchildren would live under communism. After assuring him that I expected to do all in my power to assure that his and all other grandchildren will live under freedom, he arrogantly declared in substance: 'You Americans are so gullible. No, you won't accept communism outright. But we keep feeding you small doses of Socialism until you finally wake up and find you already have communism. We don't have to fight you. We'll so weaken your economy until you fall like overripe fruit into our hands.' And they're ahead of schedule... in their devilish scheme." --Ezra Taft Benson []
This is a warning that was not headed... and I fear never will be until it is far too late...

End Log.

Nov 5, 2008

Day 1

Status: No Socialism yet, except of course the giant following of supporters who swear he's the messiah. But aside from that, nothing yet. Keeping vigilant. Must not waver.

Thinking about a comic. Not a Pitt and Pendulum comic, but a political comic via microcosm. If I do it, I'll post on DeviantArt. It might be fun. Must define a style first.

South Park tonight will have something on the new president-elect. Planning on watching it.

The local college paper has the pres Obama's image plastered on it. It takes up the entire front cover. I'm positive if McCain had won, they would not have done that. They probably would have simply given it a head line. I fear for the republic.

I know if any Obama supporters read this, they'll comment and call me closed minded, or mean spirited. I don't care really. I mean, everyone is cheering for the first Black President. I say, I don't care. After all, Martin Luther King said in his "I Have a Dream" speech, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." That day has not arrived for America. Not yet.

End Log.

Day 0 - Election Day

Status: Sad. The country has elected Obama. Huge outpouring of support for him. Popular vote has a small margin. Electoral votes show him ahead by 200+. Big difference, big let down.

I watch sadly as McCain secedes from the race. I watch sadly as Obama makes a wonderful prepared speech. The event is huge. The crowd roars.

All I can think: "So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause." ―Padmé Amidala

End Log.