Dec 15, 2008

Day 41 - We Dodge Insults as Well as Shoes

Status: Laughing hysterically to the point where I can barely type. Yes, I heard about the shoe throwing incident today. The full story can be pieced together from several sources. The president made a surprise visit to Kabul, Iraq, to meet with the Iraqi president. At sometime during the press conference, an Iraqi reporter jumped to his feet yelling something like "This is a farewell kiss, you dog" before tossing two shoes in succession at the president. The phrase "You Dog" has been fully confirmed by the media, of course.

What happened next is in dispute, depending on which media source you read. Some say that the president cowered at the shoe throwing [I still have yet to find the article Glenn Beck was referring to]. Some say he dodged it "like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix []". Everyone seems to be saying that police rushed in and tackled the dissenter, but no one seems to want to mention the Iraqi reporters that tackled the guy first [video link below]. Only a few also mention how much the other Iraqi reporters apologized for the actions of their colleague [Extra]. After the incident, Bush played off the incident, saying that the man just wanted attention, just like any protester. Others mention, though most fail to mention, that Bush played off the incdent in a joking way saying for example "I didn't know what the guy said, but I saw his sole," [AFP] and "All I can report is it is a size 10" [Slate]. Most of the news stories seem to focus on how the dissenter was treated, about his abuse [NYT] and his subsequent arrest [CNN].

Form your own opinion: you can see the full video from several angles here; YouTube is a wonderful thing.

Anyhow, enough of that, let's talk about the bailout. *Gear Change!* For a while now, I've had no position on the Bailout because I didn't know what it would do. But yesterday, my little brother was doing his history homework. He was learning about Germany between World Wars I and II. It was then that I remembered learning about it in history class last year in college: Germany's economy was completely in the tank because their inflation was so high that hundred dollar German Marks were worth as much as a pebble. In those times, the workers were paid everyday at noon and when the left work. It was then, immediately after they got paid with wheelbarrows-full of Marks, that they ran out and bought food immediately, because if they waited until later, the money they were just paid would be worth nothing. Inflation made it so Germany could not pay off their debts and is the indirect cause of Hitler's rising.

So what is the US Government doing in this day and age? Causing inflation. They are releasing trillions of dollars into the market for nothing. NOTHING! Are they TRYING to drown us? Because despite what news reports like to say, that money is not taxpayer money they're throwing at the failing companies - it's money they're pulling out of their gigantic ass. It's not even money, or wealth per say, it's a representation of wealth. And when they release these trillions of dollars, they will cause inflation to skyrocket, because if there's more representation of wealth in the system without the ACTUAL wealth, inflation occurs! [Huffington Post]

Maybe I'm being a conspiracy theorist at this point and invoking Godwin's Law, but as they say, "History repeats itself". If inflation skyrockets in this economy NOW while Bush (lame-duck though he is) is still in office, everyone will blame the economy on Bush (and they already are, see Huffington Post above). Then, when Obama comes into office, Obama will be hailed as a savior as he attempts (and fails) to lift the economy back on its feet. He will try for several years and when he fails, he will ask to help him continue his efforts past his eight years in office. Then after twelve years, he'll ask for another four. And another four. And another four...

And when Obama starts up the concentration camps for blacks, you'll know where you heard it first.

End Log.

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