So, I was called "Closed-minded" again today. I was called it once or twice before, and usually while I was speaking something about politics or Obama. Well, today, it was during a debate. On YouTube. About pot smoking. Or rather those who smoke pot. The debate can be found in it's original context here, if you really want to see it. Just do a find (Ctrl+F) for my name, Tustin2121, on the second page. And if you're going there, you might as well watch the video too, 'cause it's pretty funny.
But I digress (slightly). Let's give some context. I make a small comment about how the video shows how pot smokers talk about conspiracies. I said something about how pot smokers don't make up conspiracies, they get them from elsewhere and they think they're real. Well, a debate breaks out, and it starts out friendly enough, but soon it degrades into name calling - and I mean very soon. To see the debate, in full (posted here for archival and don't-delete-my-posts! reasons) see the addendum to this post.
Anyhow, eventually someone posted this:
People like you are the reason racism, sexism, and ontological marginalization occur on a daily basis.
So thank you for aiding and abeting the social reproduction of ignorant stereotypes and unjust prejudice.
I hope one day you realize that even the most avid "pot smoker" can never be as closed-minded as you.
Well, as you can probably see, I've won the debate. As soon as name calling this fierce ensues, and no arguments are made, you've won, hands down. And I'm sure she was aiming for my self esteem, but she missed it by a mile and actually made me feel better.
Long story short, I'm tired of people calling me closed minded, so I've change my manner about it. I no longer worry about it, and in fact I am glad they did! I'm happy to be called closed-minded. Because, every time someone is called "closed-minded", then they have conservative values. That's what being closed-minded is! Having Conservative Values! Because, we all know, every time someone is called "open-minded", we always end up with more of our freedom being taken from us. Always!
And in fact, let me take this a step further. Being closed-minded means you have values. Values that you do not want to alter; values you know are right and true by you. Being open-minded means that you'll accept what ever is coming at you without a filter (at least that's what it should mean, but it seems most open-minded people have filters against closed-minded, aka conservative, values).
So, thank you, whatever-your-name-was, thank you for this epiphany. I AM closed-minded and I'm proud to be.
Oh yes, and someone tell me what Ontological Marginalization is, please? It's alphabet soup to me and is probably some buzz word for spreading conservatism. I googled it, and nothing reliable came up, so, whatever. :)
End Log.
Well Timmy, here's the dillo: If you're too open minded you brain will fall out. Who wants that? No one, I hope. Conservativsm isn't about being closed-minded, it about facts and holding on to moral values no matter what the situation. I rather like being a conservative bitter hag. :D