Dec 27, 2008
Tuttle Cam - Obama's Economic Stimulus
Please spread this video around. I'm making these videos to go viral as a form of grassroots action. It's a simple way to help the Conservative Underground.
Dec 24, 2008
Day 50 - Chrismahanukwanzakah has a new name
For those of you who haven't heard yet, the liberals are making another not-unexpected attempt at overthrowing Christmas with "The Winter Solstice".[Source]
Sorry that there isn't more but it's a big day, being Christmas and all. I'll have more in a few days. There's some stories I have yet to have the time to look up. I'll have time soon, hopefully. Also, my friend says he might want to contribute a few video rants to the record here. More on that later as well.
Merry Christmas!
End Log.
Dec 18, 2008
Line By Line: Fireplace police on patrol
The fireplace police descended on the Bay Area on Wednesday.
Oh boy, get ready for a rant. I can feel it coming. I can feel the greenie-weenies coming...
For the first time ever, residential fires are illegal under a new law, passed in July, that bans home burning on winter season Spare the Air days.
"Spare the air! Oh please spare the life of our precious air as it gets sucked away by you vile awful sons-of-dogs that have no concept of how to take care of our fragile, fragile earth," he said, perfectly imitating liberal thought.
The first such ban took effect at noon. Seventy inspectors from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District planned to spend the day and evening patrolling residential neighborhoods, looking for telltale chimney wisps.
Oh good, Big Brother has spent several hundred dollars, if not thousands, creating a Secret Police that goes around looking for wisps of smoke from the chimneys of the city. Do these politicians have nothing better to do? "Hey! Yeah, you! Don't you know that chimney smoke is bad for the environment? You better put that out!!" First our factories, then our homes...
Violators will get warnings by mail. Repeat offenders face fines of as much as $2,000.
Always another tax... Of course, you have to love the strongly-worded letter they send you. Maybe they should use this method on North Korea. They've already got the strongly-worded letter stage out of the way, now fine them into oblivion!!
The fireplace police say they are determined to keep law and order in the living room.
Wait, what about the bedroom? Didn't they complain about laws in the Bedroom? But they want laws in the Living Room. Hey! What about the right to privacy we have in the Constitution?! I don't hear anybody talking about THAT now, do I?!
"We're serious," said district spokeswoman Kristine Roselius.
Well, I'm am too. You don't honestly think I do this JUST for fun, do you?
"This is a major health threat. The weather conditions are such that smoke is trapped closer to the ground and anyone with respiratory problems will have a hard time breathing."
Wait wait wait wait wait... Are you telling me that SMOKE, which is mostly hot air, DOESN'T go up into the atmosphere and dissipate over the earth, but CFC's, which are MUCH MUCH HEAVIER than air, do go up into the atmosphere and disperse over the earth and create ozone holes? I'd like to meet your science professors, please. I have a physical message to deliver.
With 1.4 million fireplaces in the Bay Area, Roselius said the district is hoping for voluntary compliance. It notes that wood burning produces about one-third of the particulate pollution on a typical winter night.
I'm sure, but there are smokestacks for a reason: to make the smoke go UP INTO THE AIR and NOT collect on the ground. I'm sure that most of their measuring devices are situated somewhere up on the highest building somewhere.
The district predicts as many as 20 Spare the Air days during the winter season, which air quality officials define as Nov. 1 through Feb. 28. That means it could be illegal to fire up the fireplace as often as one day in every six.
Wait, they "predict" Save the Air days? You mean they're on a whim? Like Ozone Action Days?
Wait wait wait! That's it! They only want more control over you! DUH!!! They have Ozone Action Days in the summer, but they had nothing in the winter, until now! Ozone Action Days in the summer, and Spare the Air Days in the winter! It all makes perfect sense! THEY WANT TO CONTROL YOU!!! (as if that wasn't obvious already).
Similar bans have been in place in the San Joaquin Valley and in the Pacific Northwest for several years.
And I'm sure they'll readily produce hockey-stick graphs to prove that those places worked.
After the initial warning, repeat violators will face fines, some as high as four figures. In other no-burn districts, offenders have been permitted to do penance by attending "smoke school," similar to traffic school.
Oh, fun! Smoke School! I get to go for a 10 week course, paid for by the tax payers no less, about how I SHOULDN'T light my fireplace. So tell me, why do I HAVE a fire place to begin with?!
But the Bay Area is a no-school zone.
I wonder why? Is it because of the high number of things that kids shouldn't see going on here? Hm...
The air quality district declared its Spare the Air Day because of what it called moderate levels of pollution all around the Bay Area. Moderate pollution is expected to remain today in the East Bay, the South Bay and the Santa Clara Valley regions, with good air quality in the North Bay and coastal regions. The district will decide by noon whether to extend the wood-burning ban.
I'm sure they will, for the sake of the polka dotted owl that can only live in snarl-sin-sook forests next to the toot-twanglers and jin-janglers.
The fireplace industry was seeing red about the prospect of more smoke-free days and nights.
As I'm sure they would. After all, we have to bring down those evil corporations.
"This is obviously something we're very concerned about," said Chris Caron, vice president of Duraflame, the Stockton-based purveyor of sawdust fireplace logs.
As you well should be, Mr. Caron. I suggest going into the polka dotted owl protecting business as well, to try and keep your assets in line.
He said he hoped the new ban would not affect the fire log business and that Bay Area residents would burn even more logs on non-Spare the Air days.
Not likely.
"After (the district) gets through trying to scare everyone to death, we expect they will realize that people still want to burn in their fireplaces," Caron said.
Not a cold chance in hell, Mr. Caron. Which, by the way, I highly suggest moving to hell, as I'm sure your log burning business will fare much better there than up here in cold cold San Fransico, et al. No offense intended towards the man, and as much offense as I can muster intended to the stupid environmentalists.
He also said it was unfair to lump cleaner-burning sawdust-based logs with ordinary wood. And he said he was hoping for lots of cold, rainy, windy and miserable weather this winter.
Mr. Caron, have you seen those "clean coal" commercals? These people don't think anything is cleaner burning. And also, they don't care about the environment, they care only about controlling you, Mr. Caron.
"Bad weather is good for us," he said. "And good for air quality."
They beg to differ.
Rich Ventura, proprietor of Rich's Firewood of San Carlos, called the ban "a little excessive." Ventura sells oak fireplace wood for $400 a cord, a quantity of stacked wood that measures 4 by 4 by 8 feet.
Hm... a little shameless plug from the newspaper. How nice.
"They should try education first - that would be a better way to go," he said. "If you build a fire properly, and get it really hot in a wood stove, there's very little smoke."
You don't understand, Mr. Ventura, they don't want education, they want control! MUAHAHAHA!!! I SHALL RULE THE WORLD VIA FIREPLACE CONTROL!!! That's what they say, though maybe less dramatically, though it would be really funny if someone were caught saying that.
Tim Regan of San Francisco said he had already gotten his education and wouldn't be spending Wednesday night burning any of the firewood he was buying at the Safeway on Market Street for $18.
......Then why buy it?
"The environment has to trump comfort," Regan said. "I'm sentimental about these things. A fireplace is so romantic, the curl of the smoke rising up - it's like Norman Rockwell. But I'm willing to make a concession to the planet's health and survival."
I can so totally see him saying this in a high-pitched girly-man voice. "Oh ooh! These things are so romantic. I'd love to curl up with Rockwell and just spoon in front of the fireplace all night!" (Note: Children should not be reading my blog posts. You have been warned, a little too late. :D )
Receive air alerts
For more information on wintertime Spare the Air Days, check the air quality district's Web site,, or call (877) 466-2876. Residents may also sign up to receive automatic notification of no-burn days, by e-mail or recorded telephone messages.
Yes, if you want to know when the next Government Control Day is, please contact this site or call this number. Thank you for your undeniable cooperation and commitment to saving the polka dotted owl.
E-mail Steve Rubenstein at
Email him if you want, but I don't think he's the guy you want to talk to about this. Maybe Ahnald can handle it instead. Anyhow, that's been Line-By-Line. I love this program. More fun later to day. Bye all!
Thank you for choosing Line-By-Line! Good Bye! C:\> End Transcript.Dec 15, 2008
Day 41 - We Dodge Insults as Well as Shoes
What happened next is in dispute, depending on which media source you read. Some say that the president cowered at the shoe throwing [I still have yet to find the article Glenn Beck was referring to]. Some say he dodged it "like Keanu Reeves in The Matrix []". Everyone seems to be saying that police rushed in and tackled the dissenter, but no one seems to want to mention the Iraqi reporters that tackled the guy first [video link below]. Only a few also mention how much the other Iraqi reporters apologized for the actions of their colleague [Extra]. After the incident, Bush played off the incident, saying that the man just wanted attention, just like any protester. Others mention, though most fail to mention, that Bush played off the incdent in a joking way saying for example "I didn't know what the guy said, but I saw his sole," [AFP] and "All I can report is it is a size 10" [Slate]. Most of the news stories seem to focus on how the dissenter was treated, about his abuse [NYT] and his subsequent arrest [CNN].
Form your own opinion: you can see the full video from several angles here; YouTube is a wonderful thing.
Anyhow, enough of that, let's talk about the bailout. *Gear Change!* For a while now, I've had no position on the Bailout because I didn't know what it would do. But yesterday, my little brother was doing his history homework. He was learning about Germany between World Wars I and II. It was then that I remembered learning about it in history class last year in college: Germany's economy was completely in the tank because their inflation was so high that hundred dollar German Marks were worth as much as a pebble. In those times, the workers were paid everyday at noon and when the left work. It was then, immediately after they got paid with wheelbarrows-full of Marks, that they ran out and bought food immediately, because if they waited until later, the money they were just paid would be worth nothing. Inflation made it so Germany could not pay off their debts and is the indirect cause of Hitler's rising.
So what is the US Government doing in this day and age? Causing inflation. They are releasing trillions of dollars into the market for nothing. NOTHING! Are they TRYING to drown us? Because despite what news reports like to say, that money is not taxpayer money they're throwing at the failing companies - it's money they're pulling out of their gigantic ass. It's not even money, or wealth per say, it's a representation of wealth. And when they release these trillions of dollars, they will cause inflation to skyrocket, because if there's more representation of wealth in the system without the ACTUAL wealth, inflation occurs! [Huffington Post]
Maybe I'm being a conspiracy theorist at this point and invoking Godwin's Law, but as they say, "History repeats itself". If inflation skyrockets in this economy NOW while Bush (lame-duck though he is) is still in office, everyone will blame the economy on Bush (and they already are, see Huffington Post above). Then, when Obama comes into office, Obama will be hailed as a savior as he attempts (and fails) to lift the economy back on its feet. He will try for several years and when he fails, he will ask to help him continue his efforts past his eight years in office. Then after twelve years, he'll ask for another four. And another four. And another four...
And when Obama starts up the concentration camps for blacks, you'll know where you heard it first.
End Log.
Dec 9, 2008
Day 35 - Ontological Marginalization
So, I was called "Closed-minded" again today. I was called it once or twice before, and usually while I was speaking something about politics or Obama. Well, today, it was during a debate. On YouTube. About pot smoking. Or rather those who smoke pot. The debate can be found in it's original context here, if you really want to see it. Just do a find (Ctrl+F) for my name, Tustin2121, on the second page. And if you're going there, you might as well watch the video too, 'cause it's pretty funny.
But I digress (slightly). Let's give some context. I make a small comment about how the video shows how pot smokers talk about conspiracies. I said something about how pot smokers don't make up conspiracies, they get them from elsewhere and they think they're real. Well, a debate breaks out, and it starts out friendly enough, but soon it degrades into name calling - and I mean very soon. To see the debate, in full (posted here for archival and don't-delete-my-posts! reasons) see the addendum to this post.
Anyhow, eventually someone posted this:
People like you are the reason racism, sexism, and ontological marginalization occur on a daily basis.
So thank you for aiding and abeting the social reproduction of ignorant stereotypes and unjust prejudice.
I hope one day you realize that even the most avid "pot smoker" can never be as closed-minded as you.
Well, as you can probably see, I've won the debate. As soon as name calling this fierce ensues, and no arguments are made, you've won, hands down. And I'm sure she was aiming for my self esteem, but she missed it by a mile and actually made me feel better.
Long story short, I'm tired of people calling me closed minded, so I've change my manner about it. I no longer worry about it, and in fact I am glad they did! I'm happy to be called closed-minded. Because, every time someone is called "closed-minded", then they have conservative values. That's what being closed-minded is! Having Conservative Values! Because, we all know, every time someone is called "open-minded", we always end up with more of our freedom being taken from us. Always!
And in fact, let me take this a step further. Being closed-minded means you have values. Values that you do not want to alter; values you know are right and true by you. Being open-minded means that you'll accept what ever is coming at you without a filter (at least that's what it should mean, but it seems most open-minded people have filters against closed-minded, aka conservative, values).
So, thank you, whatever-your-name-was, thank you for this epiphany. I AM closed-minded and I'm proud to be.
Oh yes, and someone tell me what Ontological Marginalization is, please? It's alphabet soup to me and is probably some buzz word for spreading conservatism. I googled it, and nothing reliable came up, so, whatever. :)
End Log.
Day 35 Addendum - YouTube Debate
[Person A] said:
not all pot smokers make up conspiracy theories dude
Tustin2121 said:
Who said anything about making them up? They think they're real. And usually they just repeat what others have already made up, but they're tripping so hard that they think it's a brilliant idea they just came up with. Believe me, I know, I have a friend who's always high.
[Person A] said:
You have a friend that's always high, and you're basing your opinions on marijuana smokers on just his actions??? Wtf?
Tustin2121 said:
Is there a problem with that? I don't see the problem with basing your opinion on pots smokers ON a pot smoker. It's not like I got my opinion off TV or something.
Show me a couple pot smokers who aren't talking about conspiracies or writing poetry. Yeah, I know it's a stereotype, but those have to get started somewhere.
(Though, where did the fried chicken for blacks come from?, 'cause that's just weird and stupid.)
[Person B] said:
your stupid, dont judge if you have never smokedTustin2121 said:
Right, I'm not the one sucking in smoke and killing brain cells and/or developing cancer.
And besides, that's not what this thread is about. I don't judge you - smoke all you want. But I'm saying that people who smoke pot usually fall into the same general personality set, and one of their traits is believing in conspiracy theories.
I'm not judging you, though by how very well-written your argument is, I'd say your short a couple IQ points yourself. It's "you're", not "your".
[Person C] said:
conspiracy's? Im sorry but I smoked pot throughout my childhood and never had a sence of being watch'd or beleaved that someone was planning something out of the ordinary. Also "pot" dosen't cause cancer, because if pot caused cancer then doctors in florida and california wouldn't give it away as a prescription for cancer. Although yes it does kill brain cell it still is the safest drug out there. (not inplying that anyoneoke it) should sm
I responded to this post, however, someone felt the need to delete it. I told him I hoped his "childhood" didn't include years with a single digit. I also told him that being watched doesn't necessarily have to be part of the conspiracies, and usually include the government gaining control of things they couldn't possibly gain control of. I related Katrina without getting into details.
[Person D] said:
So every sterotype has some some sort of basis. Like Blacks and watermelons and Asains and being bad drivers and how about all jews being rich or all Indian people smelling bad? Give me a break man seems like you're the one with a low I.Q......Square
I also responded to this post, but someone deleted it as well. I told him, yes: Jews were the only people's whose religion allowed them to work in banks, and I knew more than a couple Indians who had unfortunate body odor problems. I also said I didn't know where the first two came from.
[Person E] said:
People like you are the reason racism, sexism, and ontological marginalization occur on a daily basis.
So thank you for aiding and abeting the social reproduction of ignorant stereotypes and unjust prejudice.
I hope one day you realize that even the most avid "pot smoker" can never be as closed-minded as you.
Tustin2121 said:
Hm... Someone's been deleting my posts....
Thank you for name calling because you have not argued your point, you have simply called me closed-minded, a racist, a sexist, and some other "mean" words. You realize that by doing so you have proven that you have lost the debate.
And, you know what, I'm going to take that "closed-minded" name as a complement, because whenever someone is called "open-minded" more of our freedom slips away. Thank you.
Tustin2121 said:
Oh yes, and while we're at it, please define "ontological marginalization", because for all I know it means absolutely nothing.
End Transcript. Will be updated as needed.
Dec 6, 2008
Day 32
Anyhow, I'm about two weeks late on this, but Hillary Clinton has been selected for Secretary of State. Hillary got her her power back, apparently. She does have quite a grip on the state of the nation in this position. I'm sure she's just going to use that power to trade with the Chinese again. And Bill gets his interns again. This will be a fun presidency, especially for Obama. I'm sure he's thrilled. I wonder what Hillary was going to do to him if he hadn't done this - oh wait, I know, she was going to out him on not being a US Citizen! I'm sure he doesn't want that to come out, especially since Bill Richardson has done such a good job at keeping it a secret. [Best video I can find right now]
Beware those who want to work for Obama this presedency - he does not take kindly to ANYTHING that might land him in trouble. For those of you who have not heard, the questionnaire that Obama requires from you has been dubbed "the most intrusive questionnaire ever". For the full questionnaire, you know, in case you want to work for Obama, can be found here. Have fun with that now!
I will be posting more later, including transcripts from my new Line-By-Line program! But right now, I have things to do. Make up your own quote to go at the end of this.
End Log.