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Title: U.K Government Funded Project Teaches Children as Young as Five About the "pleasures of gay sex"
Author: Hilary White
News Source: LifeSiteNews
Release Date: Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Area: London
Begin Article:
From the earliest primary grades, school children in Britain should be taught about homosexual relations, a government funded education research project has said.
Heba...hooba....wwhe....WHAT?!?! Whoa!! Where did THIS come from?!?!
No Outsiders, a 28-month, tax-funded research project funded by the government's Economic and Social Research Council, is already functioning in 14 primary schools in Britain, using books, puppet shows and plays to teach children as young as five about the "pleasures of gay sex."
"The Pleasures of GAY SEX"?!?!?! WHY do we need to teach CHILDREN the pleasures of GAY SEX?! AT AGE FIVE?!?!?!
The project is costing British taxpayers £600,000 (Cn. $1,143,989) and is being promoted in schools under the rubric of combating "homophobic bullying" in schools.
At Age FIVE?! Kids don't even know what sex IS at age five! Why the HELL would you need to COMBAT Homiphobic BULLYING at AGE FIVE?!?!
No no no, there's more to this than combating bullying, I know there is.
At a seminar this week at Exeter University, the project's members and supporters said they will go beyond what is taught to the children in schools, and "interrogate" the "desexualisation of children's bodies", [...]
Interrogate what?! The "Desexualization" of children's bodies?! You're the one sexualizing children! You want to teach children the pleasures of gay sex!
[...] "the negation of pleasure and desire in educational contexts" [...]
The removal of pleasure and desire is usually a GOOD thing. Just look at any single sex school out there! And you want to introduce pleasure and desire?!
[...] and "the tendency to shy away from discussion of (sexual) bodily activity." The ultimate goal, they wrote, is to create "primary classrooms where queer sexualities are affirmed and celebrated."
"Celebrated", huh? So we are going to hold a celebration everyday for gay student (who I might remind everyone, are only five years old). WHY?!
Papers prepared for the seminar by the No Outsiders project leaders say that the seminar will question the "taken-for-granted" status of the "supposedly sexless" primary classroom.
Primary School Classrooms ARE sexless!! There's no such thing as sex when we're dealing with five year olds!! The only concept children have about sex when they're FIVE YEARS OLD is that the opposite sex has COOTIES!!
The project will examine "'the place of the research team members' own bodies, desires and pleasures in this research."
Wait wait wait. Let me get this straight: You are going to examine your own bodies, desires, and pleasures in reaserch involving small children and teaching them about the pleasures of gay sex. Does anyone else see where this is heading?!?!?!
Elizabeth Atkinson, a project leader, however, denied that this week's seminar was connected to the No Outsiders work in classrooms. "The seminar is part of a long-standing academic debate and has nothing to do with schools," she said. "It has no connection with sex education."
It just hit me that the group that is "studying" the "sexual pleasures" of children, and doing "work in the classroom" is called "No Outsiders". No Outsiders, as in, "we don't want YOU CLOSE-MINDED PARENTS involved in our study of children... oh... oh hoh!" REMEMBER PARENTS: Being closed minded is a GOOD THING!!
The seminar document admits that the researchers are responding to "accusations of the corruption of innocent children" [...]
NO!!!!! Having sex with children in a classroom setting ISN'T CORRUPTING CHILDREN!!! NO!!!!!
[...] that has "led team members to make repeated claims that this project is not about sex or desire - and that it is therefore not about bodies.
No, it's just about teaching kids the pleasure of gay sex, which, I might add, by pure definition MEANS that it IS about their bodies, since their bodies are what experiance the pleasure.
"Yet, at a very significant level," they said, "that is exactly what it is about and to deny this may have significant negative implications for children and young people."
Oh, good, there's someone there with a FREAKING QUARTER OF A BRAIN!!!
Questions for discussion outlined in the seminar schedule, include: "How might we create primary classrooms where gender-queer bodies and queer sexualities (for children and teachers) are affirmed and celebrated?"; [...]
Um.... we don't. Because if we did, that would detract from, say, ACTUAL LEARNING! Oh, wait, we don't care about that...
[...]"What would it take to teach queerly? How would teachers' and children's bodies be implicated in this? What sorts of subversions and reversals might it entail?" [...]
Um... is the word "Impacted" a good word to use in the context of "teachers' and children's bodies" and "teaching queerly"? And by God, what the hell is "Teach Queerly" supposed to mean?!
[...] and, "At what cost do we deny children's and teachers' sexuality? What do we lose if desire and pleasure are banned from the classroom?"
LISTEN, You Queer Socialists, A) children are NOT sexual beings! They do not live around sex and they do not care about sex, as opposed to YOU SCUMBAGS!! In fact, most of THE WORLD does not LIVE around SEX. You Are The EXCEPTION!!, And B) We have been "denying" people's sexuality in the classroom for about TWO HUNDRED YEARS now, and no one's complained until YOU want to go have SEX in the FREAKING CLASSROOM!!!
Simon Calvert of the Christian Institute, however, has responded to the seminar, saying, "When an adult who is working in a primary school suggests that children should explore their sexuality, that should result in a complaint to the police."
The project's supporters include the National Union of Teachers, the General Teaching Council for England, Stonewall, the homosexualist political lobby and "Schools Out", a homosexualist promotion project for schools.
And all of these groups should be JAILED for considering this..... thing in the classroom. FIVE YEAR OLDS!!! They want to do this to five year olds!
Oh I am definatly sleeping well tonight after this rampage...
End Transcript.
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